The longitudinal analysis of immune parameters posttransplant according to unconditioned vs conditioned recipients of IL2RG/JAK3 SCID. (A) Mean CD3+ cells measured at different time points posttransplant. There was no significant difference in trend of circulating CD3+ numbers between conditioned vs unconditioned IL2RG/JAK3 SCID patients (P = .38) and at each time point posttransplant. (B) Mean CD4+ naive cells measured at different time points posttransplant. Naive CD4+ cell (CD3+CD4+CD45RA+CD27+) measurement was used as an indicator of the thymic output posttransplantation. Conditioned recipients demonstrated borderline higher overall trend of CD4+ naive output compared with unconditioned recipients (P, .06). Conditioned recipients had a better CD4+ naive output at early time points after transplant compared with unconditioned recipients. The data are in the format of contrast, which shows the difference between the mean of both groups and standard error (SE): 0.5 years posttransplant (contrast, 611.1; SE, 286.1; P, .03), 1 year posttransplant (contrast, 513.1; SE, 224.8; P, .02), 2 years posttransplant (contrast, 415.1; SE, 178.0; P, .01), 5 years posttransplant (contrast, 317.0; SE, 159.0; P, .04), respectively. (C) Mean NK cells measured at different time points posttransplant. The conditioned recipients had a nonsignificantly higher overall NK-cell number compared with unconditioned recipients (P, .15). However, conditioned recipients did have significantly higher NK-cell numbers compared with unconditioned recipients at time point of baseline (contrast, 126.5; SE, 66.1; P, .05) and 0.5 years posttransplant (contrast, 112.1; SE, 59.3; P, .05). Numbers of patients available for longitudinal data analysis of immunoreconstitution (CD3+, CD4+ naive, and NK cells) are shown in supplemental Table 4.