Figure 4.
Figure 4. DCK knockdown reduces levels of ddCTP. (A) DCK was knocked down in TEX cells using shRNA. Levels of DCK were measured in whole-cell lysates by immunoblotting 7 days posttransduction. A representative immunoblot is displayed. (B-C) Quantification of total intracellular ddC and ddCTP by LC-MS/MS in DCK knockdown or control shRNA TEX cells following treatment with 1 µM ddC for 4 days. ddC and ddCTP levels were normalized to 106 cells input. Data are shown as mean ± SD of 2 biological replicates performed at least in triplicate. NS, not significant.

DCK knockdown reduces levels of ddCTP. (A) DCK was knocked down in TEX cells using shRNA. Levels of DCK were measured in whole-cell lysates by immunoblotting 7 days posttransduction. A representative immunoblot is displayed. (B-C) Quantification of total intracellular ddC and ddCTP by LC-MS/MS in DCK knockdown or control shRNA TEX cells following treatment with 1 µM ddC for 4 days. ddC and ddCTP levels were normalized to 106 cells input. Data are shown as mean ± SD of 2 biological replicates performed at least in triplicate. NS, not significant.

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