Figure 1.
Figure 1. Lipocalin-2 deficiency impairs clinical status and resistance to dissemination of K pneumoniae, and resistance is not correlated to plasma levels of lipocalin-2. (A) Clinical scores for WT/WT, WT/KO, KO/WT, and KO/KO mice. Clinical score criteria: 0: the mouse is unaffected; 1: the mouse is slightly affected, for instance, slight piloerection or commencing waistline; 2: the mouse is affected (marked waistline, piloerection, or slightly decreased mobility); 3: the mouse is clearly affected (ruffled fur, eyes half closed, marked waistline, hunched posture, affected breathing, or decreased mobility); 4: the mouse is very affected and should be killed (ruffled fur, immobile, cold, eyes closed, or condition will proceed to death within hours); and 5: the mouse is dead. Each of the 6 score levels (0-5) is marked with a color. Clinical score distributions for each of the 4 subgroups are shown in percentages. The percentage of mice scoring a particular score is shown in the color allocated to that score. P = .0009 by χ2. (B) Bacterial counts are expressed as logarithmic transformed (log10) CFUs per milliliter in BALF for each of the 4 subgroups. No statistical significance between groups as tested by analysis of variance with Tukey's multiple comparison test. (C) Bacterial counts in spleen homogenates are expressed as logarithmic transformed (log10) CFU per milliliter. WT/WT: n = 21, WT/KO: n = 33, KO/WT: n = 25, and KO/KO: n = 38. (D) Lipocalin-2 concentrations in BALF from 5 randomly selected mice from each of the 4 transplanted subgroups 24 hours after inoculation analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. (E) Lipocalin-2 concentrations in plasma from the same mice analyzed in (D). Horizontal lines indicate means. *P < .05, **P < .01, and ***P < .001 by analysis of variance with Tukey's multiple comparison test.

Lipocalin-2 deficiency impairs clinical status and resistance to dissemination of K pneumoniae, and resistance is not correlated to plasma levels of lipocalin-2. (A) Clinical scores for WT/WT, WT/KO, KO/WT, and KO/KO mice. Clinical score criteria: 0: the mouse is unaffected; 1: the mouse is slightly affected, for instance, slight piloerection or commencing waistline; 2: the mouse is affected (marked waistline, piloerection, or slightly decreased mobility); 3: the mouse is clearly affected (ruffled fur, eyes half closed, marked waistline, hunched posture, affected breathing, or decreased mobility); 4: the mouse is very affected and should be killed (ruffled fur, immobile, cold, eyes closed, or condition will proceed to death within hours); and 5: the mouse is dead. Each of the 6 score levels (0-5) is marked with a color. Clinical score distributions for each of the 4 subgroups are shown in percentages. The percentage of mice scoring a particular score is shown in the color allocated to that score. P = .0009 by χ2. (B) Bacterial counts are expressed as logarithmic transformed (log10) CFUs per milliliter in BALF for each of the 4 subgroups. No statistical significance between groups as tested by analysis of variance with Tukey's multiple comparison test. (C) Bacterial counts in spleen homogenates are expressed as logarithmic transformed (log10) CFU per milliliter. WT/WT: n = 21, WT/KO: n = 33, KO/WT: n = 25, and KO/KO: n = 38. (D) Lipocalin-2 concentrations in BALF from 5 randomly selected mice from each of the 4 transplanted subgroups 24 hours after inoculation analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. (E) Lipocalin-2 concentrations in plasma from the same mice analyzed in (D). Horizontal lines indicate means. *P < .05, **P < .01, and ***P < .001 by analysis of variance with Tukey's multiple comparison test.

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