CDKI expression in human terminal erythroid differentiation. (A) RNA-seq data showing CDKI members’ expression (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million) at each distinct stage of human terminal erythroid differentiation. Baso-E, basophilic erythroblast; ortho-E, orthochromatic erythroblast; poly-E, polychromatic erythroblast; pro-E, proerythroblast. (B) Representative image of western blotting of p19INK4d, p18INK4c, and p27KIP1 expression in whole-cell lysates prepared from erythroblasts cultured for different times (left). Quantitative analysis of data from 3 independent experiments of protein expression levels (right). GAPDH was used as a loading control. (C) qRT-PCR results showing p19INK4d expression in erythroblasts infected with lentivirus containing control (Lucif shRNA) or p19INK4d shRNA on day (D) 7, D 11, and D 15 of culture. The results were normalized to GAPDH mRNA. (D) Representative images of western blotting showing p19INK4d expression levels in erythroblasts infected with Lucif shRNA or p19INK4d shRNA (left). Quantitative analysis of protein expression data from 3 independent experiments (right). The results were normalized to GAPDH protein. Statistical analysis of data of 3 independent experiments and bar plot represents mean ± SD of triplicate samples. ***P < .001.