Analysis of PU.1 expression in the BM and spleen of WT and Hbbth3/+ mice. Representative histograms of fluorescence intensity of PU.1 expression in neutrophils (Ly6GhighLy6Clow), immature myeloid cells (Ly6GlowLy6Clow), and monocytes (Ly6GnegLy6Chigh) in (A-C) BM and (D-F) spleen from WT and Hbbth3/+ mice. Yellow shading represents isotype control; blue shading represents WT mice, and red shading represents Hbbth3/+ mice. PU.1 protein expression levels determined using flow cytometric analysis in (G) neutrophils (Ly6GhighLy6Clow), (H) immature myeloid cells (Ly6GlowLy6Clow), and (I) monocytes (Ly6GnegLy6Chigh) from the BM and spleen of WT and Hbbth3/+ mice. ΔMFIs were calculated by subtracting isotype MFIs from PU.1 MFIs. Symbols represent results from individual animals. Statistical significance between groups was determined using Student t test. RT-qPCR analysis of PU.1 mRNA expression levels relative to housekeeping gene GAPDH in sorted (J) neutrophils (Ly6GhighLy6Clow), (K) immature myeloid cells (Ly6GlowLy6Clow), and (L) monocytes (Ly6GnegLy6Chigh) from the BM and spleen of WT and Hbbth3/+ mice. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, n ≥ 5 per mice group. The statistical significance between the groups was evaluated with Student t test.