HOXB4-∆PRD229-360 induces different DNA-binding and transcription program than HOXB4-wt. (A) Volcano plot representing differentially expressed genes in BM progenitor cells overexpressing HOXB4-ΔPRD229-360 in comparison with BM cells overexpressing HOXB4-wt. Log ratios of expression values for each gene for HOXB4-ΔPRD229-360 mutant vs HOXB4-wt are plotted against –log10 of P values. (B) Venn diagrams showing the overlap between genes commonly upregulated and downregulated in BM progenitor cells upon overexpression of HOXB4-ΔPRD229-360 and HOXB4-wt in comparison with the GFP control. (C) Heat maps of genes differentially expressed between HOXB4-ΔPRD229-360 and HOXB4-wt in comparison with the GFP control BM cells. (D) Heat map of genes differentially expressed between HOXB4-ΔPRD229-360 and HOXB4-wt BM progenitor cells. (E) ChIP-sequencing analysis. Genomic distribution of binding sites for HOXB4-wt and HOXB4-ΔPRD229-360 over the gene body, focused on the 2000 bp’s upstream of the transcription start site and downstream of transcription end site. The intragenic distance between the transcription start site and transcription end site in the x-axis is indicated as percent of total gene body length. (F) Venn diagram showing genes bound by HOXB4 and HOXB4-ΔPRD229-360 and differentially expressed in 32D cells. Genes bound and differentially expressed are indicated as overlap (direct targets). (G) Venn diagrams showing overlap between genes affected in their expression and genes bound by (left) HOXB4-wt and by (right) HOXB4-ΔPRD229-360 in 32D cell line (supplemental Tables 7 and 8).