SOCE is not required for neutrophil development. (A-B) Expression of Stim1 and Stim2 determined by qPCR on cDNA from WT neutrophils either resting (A) or stimulated with zymosan (100 μg/mL) for 4 hours (B). (C) STIM protein levels in neutrophil lysates from Stim1f/f, Stim1VavCre, Stim2VavCre, and Stim1/2VavCre mice blotted for STIM1, STIM2, or actin control. (Right) Quantitation of band intensities from 2 to 3 blots. (D-F) Analysis of neutrophil number and phenotype in bone marrow isolated from Stim1f/f, Stim1VavCre, Stim2VavCre, and Stim1/2VavCre mice. Bar graphs represent mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) compiled from 2 to 3 independent experiments. (D) Percentage of Ly6Ghi, CD11b+ neutrophils in bone marrow (n = 9-11). (E) Representative FACS plots from D. (F) Surface levels of CD16/32 and Ly6G (markers of mature neutrophils).