Figure 1.
Figure 1. Xenografting of primary ALL cells leads to meningeal infiltration, faithfully recapitulating CNS leukemia seen in patients. Recipient mice engrafted with xenograft X1 and X2 showed CNS disease (CNS+) with enlarged meninges (Canon Powershot macroscopic image of dissected meningeal tissues) (A) and infiltration of huCD19+ ALL cells in CNS, BM, and spleen (flow cytometry) (B) or no CNS disease (X10, X11) with no meningeal enlargement (C) and minimal CNS infiltration despite high-level BM and spleen infiltration (CNS−) (D). (E) Comparison of leukemia loads in CNS (P = .0018), BM (P = .5287), and spleen (P = .6889) in CNS+ (n = 9) and CNS− (n = 6) xenografts (bars indicate median; significance by 2-tailed Mann-Whitney U test). (F) Presence (X1; CNS+) or absence (X10; CNS−) of prominent meningeal infiltration of huCD10+ ALL cells in the leptomeningeal space outside the brain vessels (immunohistochemistry staining for huCD10; Zeiss Axiophot; size as indicated). MRI scans (T2-weighted transversal and coronal sections) showing prominent structures apical to the cerebral cortex (highlighted by dotted lines in 1 hemisphere) corresponding to enlarged and thickened meninges in CNS+ (G) but not in CNS− animals (H). (Note bright appearance of cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] in third or lateral ventricles in coronal sections). hu, human; mu, murine.

Xenografting of primary ALL cells leads to meningeal infiltration, faithfully recapitulating CNS leukemia seen in patients. Recipient mice engrafted with xenograft X1 and X2 showed CNS disease (CNS+) with enlarged meninges (Canon Powershot macroscopic image of dissected meningeal tissues) (A) and infiltration of huCD19+ ALL cells in CNS, BM, and spleen (flow cytometry) (B) or no CNS disease (X10, X11) with no meningeal enlargement (C) and minimal CNS infiltration despite high-level BM and spleen infiltration (CNS) (D). (E) Comparison of leukemia loads in CNS (P = .0018), BM (P = .5287), and spleen (P = .6889) in CNS+ (n = 9) and CNS (n = 6) xenografts (bars indicate median; significance by 2-tailed Mann-Whitney U test). (F) Presence (X1; CNS+) or absence (X10; CNS) of prominent meningeal infiltration of huCD10+ ALL cells in the leptomeningeal space outside the brain vessels (immunohistochemistry staining for huCD10; Zeiss Axiophot; size as indicated). MRI scans (T2-weighted transversal and coronal sections) showing prominent structures apical to the cerebral cortex (highlighted by dotted lines in 1 hemisphere) corresponding to enlarged and thickened meninges in CNS+ (G) but not in CNS animals (H). (Note bright appearance of cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] in third or lateral ventricles in coronal sections). hu, human; mu, murine.

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