Figure 7.
CHD7 regulates expression of genes associated with cell cycle and proliferation in leukemia cells. (A-C) Genome-wide RNA expression profiling by microarray on splenic c-Kit+ leukemic cells from end-stage leukemic mice. (A) Heatmap of DEGs (Padj < .05; absolute fold changes ≥1.2) between Mx1-CreCbfb+/56M and Chd7f/fMx1-CreCbfb+/56M leukemic cells. (B) Canonical pathways and disease functions associated with DEGs between Mx1-CreCbfb+/56M and Chd7f/fMx1-CreCbfb+/56M leukemic cells, identified by IPA. (C) Venn diagram representing the overlap between these DEGs and RUNX1 (left panel) or CBFβ-SMMHC (right panel) target genes in ME-1 cells.17,32