Figure 4.
Figure 4. Heatmap showing mutational status of 12 frequently mutated genes and response data for patients in the MTD cohort. Genetic mutation data for 33 of 61 patients identified using a targeted NGS panel are shown. Each column represents a single patient, and each row represents a single gene. Presence of a mutation in any gene is denoted in red. Mutation frequency = (number of patients with mutation/number of NGS-evaluable patients) × 100. In this figure, responders = CR + CRi + PR.

Heatmap showing mutational status of 12 frequently mutated genes and response data for patients in the MTD cohort. Genetic mutation data for 33 of 61 patients identified using a targeted NGS panel are shown. Each column represents a single patient, and each row represents a single gene. Presence of a mutation in any gene is denoted in red. Mutation frequency = (number of patients with mutation/number of NGS-evaluable patients) × 100. In this figure, responders = CR + CRi + PR.

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