IRF8 mutations and global mutational landscape in PTFL. (A) Sequence electropherograms from cases PTFL6, PTFL18, PTFL21, and PTFL40 showing IRF8 p.K66R (c.197A>G) mutation by Sanger sequencing. PTFL18 carried a concomitant 16q11.2-q24.3 CNN-LOH, including an IRF8 gene. (B) Schematic diagram of IRF8 mutations in FL,20-22 DLBCL,9,25 and PTFL,3,4 according to NGS studies. Exons are represented by boxes on the body of the protein and the main protein domains are represented by larger colored boxes. Domains of the protein are represented according to Uniprot database ( (C) Overview of the global mutational landscape in 43 PTFL cases. Each column of the heat map represents 1 PTFL case and each line 1 specific analysis. On the right side of the figure, the frequency of the particular result of the analysis is shown.