Figure 1.
Figure 1. Genetic alterations associated with older age in ATL. (A) Relationship of ATL patients for which CNA, mutation, and survival data were available. (B) Comparison of frequencies of driver mutations and focal CNAs between younger (<70 years) and older (≥70 years) patients (Fisher’s exact test with Benjamini–Hochberg correction). Recurrently mutated genes (n = 28) present in >3% of ATL cases and highly significant (residual Q < 10−13) focal amplifications (n = 4) and deletions (n = 20) are shown.

Genetic alterations associated with older age in ATL. (A) Relationship of ATL patients for which CNA, mutation, and survival data were available. (B) Comparison of frequencies of driver mutations and focal CNAs between younger (<70 years) and older (≥70 years) patients (Fisher’s exact test with Benjamini–Hochberg correction). Recurrently mutated genes (n = 28) present in >3% of ATL cases and highly significant (residual Q < 10−13) focal amplifications (n = 4) and deletions (n = 20) are shown.

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