Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Northern blot analysis of TIMP-2. A total of 7.5 μg of total RNA was electrophoresed on 1% wt/vol agarose-formaldehyde, transfered onto nylon filters, and hybridized with TIMP-2 and GAPDH. Filters were autoradiographed at −80°C. Radiographs were scanned by an AGFA Arcus flatbed scanner.

Northern blot analysis of TIMP-2. A total of 7.5 μg of total RNA was electrophoresed on 1% wt/vol agarose-formaldehyde, transfered onto nylon filters, and hybridized with TIMP-2 and GAPDH. Filters were autoradiographed at −80°C. Radiographs were scanned by an AGFA Arcus flatbed scanner.

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