Relative expression levels of D-type cyclin plotted in a diagram. After densitometrical analysis of photographs of ethidium bromide-stained PCR products shown in Fig 4, 5, 6A, and 7, a relative expression level of each D-type cyclin was calculated by use of the following formula: cyclin D1, a/(a + b + c); cyclin D2, b/(a + b + c); cyclin D3, c/(a + b + c); where a is a density of cyclin D1 PCR product, b is that of cyclin D2, and c is that of cyclin D3. Relative expression levels of D-type cyclins are plotted for each cell line or clinical specimen as follows: 0-1.0 cyclin D1 from base to apex, 0-1.0 cyclin D2 from left side to right vertex, and 0-1.0 cyclin D3 from right side to left vertex. Each symbol denotes the following: open triangle (▵), B-cell lines; closed triangle (▴), t(11; 14)(q13; q32)-bearing B-cell lines; open square (□), T-cell lines; closed square (▪), HTLV-1–infected T-cell lines; open circle (○), myeloid cell lines; closed diamond (♦), peripheral blood or bone marrow cells of patients with t(11; 14)(q13; q32)-bearing B-cell neoplasms and/or MCL; closed circle (•), peripheral blood or bone marrow cells of a normal volunteer and patients with other disorders described as in Figs 4 and 6A.