Fig. 4.
Multiple sequence alignment of NOR1/TRA1 and its possibly related proteins from C elegans (c.el-1, K08D10.8; c.el-2, K08D10.7) and yeast (S cerevisiae; S.ce, accession no. Z49600). The NOR1 sequence downstream of the region indicated by the arrow is identical to that of TRA1 protein. The TRA1 sequence upstream of the common sequence is MFS. Completely conserved sites are indicated by the amino acid codes in capital letters. Conserved hydrophobic (o), hydrophilic (j), large aliphatic (@), aromatic ($), positive (H, R, K) (+), negative (N, D, E, Q) (−), and small amino acid (S, T, P, A, G) (.) sites are also indicated beneath the alignment obtained by a randomized iterative refinement method.42 Squares show well-conserved regions.