Fig. 2.
Analysis of integrated provirus and mRNA expression in tissues from MPZenTPO (TPO) or MPZenNeo (Neo) recipient mice studied 1, 2, or 3 months after transplantation. Analyses were carried out using a phosphorimager. (A) Proviral integrants were detected using HindIII-digested DNAs from blood (Bl), bone marrow (BM), spleen (Sp), and thymus (Th). The membrane was hybridized with a full-length muTPO cDNA probe. The 1.1-kb band arises from a fragment of the ZenTPO provirus (Fig 1) and the 2.2-kb arises from a fragment of the endogenous TPO gene. (B) Total RNA (20 μg/lane) was extracted from the liver, kidney, or spleen of normal (nontreated), MPZenNeo (Neo) or MPZenTPO (TPO) reconstituted mice. The two small arrows indicate TPO mRNAs transcribed from the retroviral LTR via a cryptic splicing (≈2.2- and ≈2.6-kb bands). The large arrow indicates the endogenous TPO transcripts (≈1.7 kb). The lower panel shows the ethidium bromide-stained 28S RNA band.