Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Histological sections of kidney, liver, heart and brain show hepatic and renal hemosiderosis, renal disease, thrombosis, and infarction in the pathogenesis of both jaundiced and spherocytic mice. Kidney sections (a to e) were stained with Gomori's iron stain and (f and g) with PAS: (a, c, and f ) ja/ja, (b, e, and g) control, (d) sph/sph. Liver section (h) was stained with Gomori's iron stain, ja/ja. Heart sections (i to k) were stained with H&E. Atrioventricular valves are shown as follows: (i) ja/ja and (j) sph/sph, arrows point to thrombi; (k) ja/ja, arrows point to unobstructed valve. Brain sections (l to n) were stained with H&E, hippocampus: (l) ja/ja and (m) sph/sph, arrows point to degenerated hippocampal gyri. Note that the dentate gyri are also degenerating in these mice. (n) same ja/ja as in (l), arrows point to uninfarcted hippocampal gyrus showing unilateral nature of brain infarctions. Bars designate representative size for sections preceding them. Mice: (a, c, f, and i) ja/ja#32, 9.5 months; (b, e, and g) +/+ nonlittermate control to (a, c, f, and i), 9.5 months; (d) sph/sph#163, 3 months; (h, l, and n) ja/ja#43, 3.25 months; (j) sph/sph#110, 4.25 months; (k) ja/ja#46, 3.75 months; (m) sph/sph#73, 4.25 months.

Histological sections of kidney, liver, heart and brain show hepatic and renal hemosiderosis, renal disease, thrombosis, and infarction in the pathogenesis of both jaundiced and spherocytic mice. Kidney sections (a to e) were stained with Gomori's iron stain and (f and g) with PAS: (a, c, and f ) ja/ja, (b, e, and g) control, (d) sph/sph. Liver section (h) was stained with Gomori's iron stain, ja/ja. Heart sections (i to k) were stained with H&E. Atrioventricular valves are shown as follows: (i) ja/ja and (j) sph/sph, arrows point to thrombi; (k) ja/ja, arrows point to unobstructed valve. Brain sections (l to n) were stained with H&E, hippocampus: (l) ja/ja and (m) sph/sph, arrows point to degenerated hippocampal gyri. Note that the dentate gyri are also degenerating in these mice. (n) same ja/ja as in (l), arrows point to uninfarcted hippocampal gyrus showing unilateral nature of brain infarctions. Bars designate representative size for sections preceding them. Mice: (a, c, f, and i) ja/ja#32, 9.5 months; (b, e, and g) +/+ nonlittermate control to (a, c, f, and i), 9.5 months; (d) sph/sph#163, 3 months; (h, l, and n) ja/ja#43, 3.25 months; (j) sph/sph#110, 4.25 months; (k) ja/ja#46, 3.75 months; (m) sph/sph#73, 4.25 months.

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