Bmx expression in tissues. (A) Analysis of Bmx expression in adult and fetal tissues by RT-PCR. RNA purified from indicated tissues were amplified by RT-PCR using Bmx primers Pr1 and Pr2. PCR products were transferred onto Nylon membrane after separation on agarose gel and hybridized with 32P-labeled PTK 1L4a probe (top panel). As a control of cDNA quality, actin was amplified from the same cDNA samples using Act1 and Act2 primers. PCR products were stained with ethidium bromide after separation on agarose gel (bottom panel). (B) Northern blot analysis of Bmx expression. RNA purified from indicated adult tissues were transferred onto Nylon membrane after separation on agarose formaldehyde gel and hybridized with 32P-labeled murine Bmx probe. Position of rRNA is indicated. Ethidium bromide-stained 18S RNA on the membrane is shown below. (C) Quantitation of Bmx and actin RT-PCR products as a function of the number of bone marrow cells. Signals were quantified with PhosphorImager.