Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Ethidium bromide-stained gels showing 174-bp male-specific product from PCR amplification of DNA from CD4+ and CD8+ cells purified from the blood of female animals A89163 and A91382 that had been transplanted with purified CD34+ Lin− marrow cells from their male siblings. Positive controls, 105 PBL from male baboon (lanes 1, 10, and 19); negative controls, 105 PBL from female baboon (lane 15); water, no DNA, control (lanes 18 and 27); 100 CD8+ PBL from A89163 (lanes 2 through 5); 100 CD4+ PBL from A91382 (lanes 6 through 9); 10 CD8+ PBL from A89163 (lanes 11 through 14); 10 CD4+ PBL from A91382 (lanes 16 and 17); 10 CD4+ PBL from A91382 (lanes 20 through 22); 10 CD8+ PBL from A91382 (lanes 23 through 26). Lane M contains DNA molecular weight markers (molecular weight markers VIII; Boehringer Mannheim).

Ethidium bromide-stained gels showing 174-bp male-specific product from PCR amplification of DNA from CD4+ and CD8+ cells purified from the blood of female animals A89163 and A91382 that had been transplanted with purified CD34+ Lin marrow cells from their male siblings. Positive controls, 105 PBL from male baboon (lanes 1, 10, and 19); negative controls, 105 PBL from female baboon (lane 15); water, no DNA, control (lanes 18 and 27); 100 CD8+ PBL from A89163 (lanes 2 through 5); 100 CD4+ PBL from A91382 (lanes 6 through 9); 10 CD8+ PBL from A89163 (lanes 11 through 14); 10 CD4+ PBL from A91382 (lanes 16 and 17); 10 CD4+ PBL from A91382 (lanes 20 through 22); 10 CD8+ PBL from A91382 (lanes 23 through 26). Lane M contains DNA molecular weight markers (molecular weight markers VIII; Boehringer Mannheim).

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