Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence of α-SNAP. The amino acid and nucleotide sequences of human α-SNAP cDNA isolated from a human platelet-derived cDNA library are presented. The numbers correspond to the number of nucleotides and the underlined and bolded amino acids denote potential protein kinase C phosphorylation sites. Only two of the potential sites Ser 35 and Ser 201 are conserved in all of the known α-SNAP sequences.

Nucleotide and amino acid sequence of α-SNAP. The amino acid and nucleotide sequences of human α-SNAP cDNA isolated from a human platelet-derived cDNA library are presented. The numbers correspond to the number of nucleotides and the underlined and bolded amino acids denote potential protein kinase C phosphorylation sites. Only two of the potential sites Ser 35 and Ser 201 are conserved in all of the known α-SNAP sequences.

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