Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Expression of CXCR4/fusin on blood DC using MoAb 12G5. Purified blood DC were stained with 12G5 or an isotype (IgG2a)-matched control antibody and analyzed by flow cytometry (see the Materials and Methods). (a) 12G5 (anti-CXCR4/fusin); (b) negative controls without primary antibody (left curve) or with an unrelated, isotype-specific IgG2a (curve on right).

Expression of CXCR4/fusin on blood DC using MoAb 12G5. Purified blood DC were stained with 12G5 or an isotype (IgG2a)-matched control antibody and analyzed by flow cytometry (see the Materials and Methods). (a) 12G5 (anti-CXCR4/fusin); (b) negative controls without primary antibody (left curve) or with an unrelated, isotype-specific IgG2a (curve on right).

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