Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Time course and onset of clot lysis. Lysis of 125I-fibrin–labeled pulmonary clots in t-PA−/− mice over the course of 4 or 16 hours. Clot injection was performed at the indicated time or day after injection with either 2 × 109 pfu AdRR5 (open bars) or AdCMVt-PACB virus (solid bars). Clot lysis after 4 hours was measured after coinjection of the plasma clot and virus; clot lysis 4 and 7 days after virus delivery was determined by measuring the extent of lysis 16 hours after injection of the clot. Values are expressed as percent of total radioactivity injected and represent mean ± SEM of the indicated number of mice in parentheses. *P < .05 v lysis in AdRR5 infected mice.

Time course and onset of clot lysis. Lysis of 125I-fibrin–labeled pulmonary clots in t-PA−/− mice over the course of 4 or 16 hours. Clot injection was performed at the indicated time or day after injection with either 2 × 109 pfu AdRR5 (open bars) or AdCMVt-PACB virus (solid bars). Clot lysis after 4 hours was measured after coinjection of the plasma clot and virus; clot lysis 4 and 7 days after virus delivery was determined by measuring the extent of lysis 16 hours after injection of the clot. Values are expressed as percent of total radioactivity injected and represent mean ± SEM of the indicated number of mice in parentheses. *P < .05 v lysis in AdRR5 infected mice.

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