AIDS-related systemic NHLs. (A through C) AIDS-LNCCL displaying the BCL-6+ (A), CD138/syndecan-1 (syn-1)− (B), LMP-1− (C) phenotype. (A) Large tumor cells show a nuclear staining pattern with anti–BCL-6 MoAb. (B) A residual plasma cell shows cytoplasmic staining for anti–syn-1 MoAb. (C) No LMP-1 expression is detectable. (D through F) AIDS-IBLP displaying the BCL-6− (D), syn-1+ (E), LMP-1+ (F) phenotype. (D) No BCL-6 expression is detectable. (E) Most immunoblastic-plasmacytoid tumor cells show strong cytoplasmic immunoreactivity with the anti–syn-1 MoAb. (E inset) A higher-power photograph showing the cytoplasmic staining pattern on large immunoblasts-plasmacytoid. (F) LMP-1 positivity is manifested as cytoplasmic or membrane staining on several large tumor cells displaying immunoblastic-plasmacytoid morphology. (G through I) AIDS-SNCCL displaying the BCL-6+ (G), syn-1− (H), LMP-1− (I) phenotype. (G) Most neoplastic cells show strong nuclear immunoreactivity with the anti–BCL-6 MoAb. (H) A residual plasma cell shows cytoplasmic staining for anti–syn-1 MoAb. (I) No LMP-1 expression is detectable. APAAP immunostaining; (A), (D), (G) frozen section; (B), (C), (E), (E inset), (F), (H), (I) paraffin-embedded tissue section, hematoxylin counterstain. Original magnification ×250 (A through I).