Fig. 1.
Boxplots of continuous variables by patients group. Age, age at initial diagnosis (months); Age(R), age at relapse diagnosis (months); Dur R, duration of remission (months); Log (PBC), logarithm (base 10) of (peripheral blast cell count [1/μL] + 1); Log (WBC), logarithm (base 10) of (WBC count [1/μL] + 1); OT, observation time = (today − date of relapse diagnosis) (months); n, not tested (n = 262); −, TEL-AML1–negative (n = 101); +, TEL-AML1–positive (n = 32). Boxes represent the first (25%) and third (75%) quartile of the distribution; cross-line denotes median; lower whisker, the 5th, and the upper whisker, the 95th percentile.