Fig. 3.
Genomic sequencing for bisulfite-treated DNA from eBL tumors for Qp. For bisulfite sequencing, the unmethylated C residue (or G at the opposite strand) within a CpG site will be converted to T (or A) in sequencing gel, whereas the methylated C residue is not changed. CpG sites 1 to 8 were sequenced from one direction, whereas CpG sites 9 to 20 were sequenced from another direction. All 16 CpG sites immediately downstream of the initiation site of Fp were unmethylated in BL1 and BL2. However, the 4 CpG sites upstream of the initiation site of Fp were methylated in BL2. Dark arrows indicate unmethylated CpG dinucleotides and open arrows indicate methylated CpG dinucleotides.