Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Flow cytometric analysis of cellular BTK expression in a normal donor and in an XLA patient (family 19) and his mother. Dot plot maps of BTK versus CD20 gated for lymphocytes (A) and histograms gated for CD14+ monocytes (B) were obtained as described in the legend of Fig 2. Five thousand cells were evaluated in each gated population. The dashed line indicates the control antibody.

Flow cytometric analysis of cellular BTK expression in a normal donor and in an XLA patient (family 19) and his mother. Dot plot maps of BTK versus CD20 gated for lymphocytes (A) and histograms gated for CD14+ monocytes (B) were obtained as described in the legend of Fig 2. Five thousand cells were evaluated in each gated population. The dashed line indicates the control antibody.

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