FACScan analysis of CD66b expression in the bone marrow of a CGM6-transgenic and a nontransgenic mouse. (A) Forward/sideward scatter plot of bone marrow cells from aCGM6-transgenic mouse. The three main cell populations (lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes) are gated separately or together for three-color fluorescence analyses, seen in the lower part of the figure (E-H) where four cell populations are shown and the percentages of events per quadrant are calculated. Double-labeling of bone marrow cells from a CGM6-transgenic mouse (E, G, and H) and from a nontransgenic mouse (F) with a FITC-labeled, CD66b-specific monoclonal antibody (x axis) and PE-labeled antibodies (y axis) for (E and F) a myeloid differentiation antigen (anti-GR-1), (G) a B-lymphocyte–specific marker (B220), and (H) a T-lymphocyte–specific marker (Thy-1). For the latter, only the lymphocyte-gated cell population was analyzed. (B) Forward/sideward scatter plot analysis of the GR-1 positive, CD66b-negative population from E; upper left quadrant. (C) Forward/sideward scatter plot analysis of the GR-1–positive, CD66b-positive population from E; upper right quadrant. (D) Forward/sideward scatter plot analysis of the GR-1–negative, CD66b-positive population from E; lower right quadrant.