Restriction map of the MTS locus and schematic representation of its configuration in T-ALL samples. (A) An updated MTS locus map is shown. The probes used and the 2 breakpoint clusters MTS1bcrα and MTS1bcrβ are indicated. C5.3, 2.7, and 2.3, sequence tagged sites (STSs); E, exon; *, polymorphic BamHI site; +, the 16 breakpoints include that of the T84 sample, for which the MTS1 configuration was not fully characterized. (B) Schematic representation of the 2 chromosome 9s in cases with rearrangements occurring in the locus (22 T-ALL samples and the MOLT4 cell line).21 In 1 sample, T106, 2 breakpoints occurring on each chromosome 9 were detected. In T39, breakpoints were different at presentation (T39p) and relapse (T39r). Dashed lines indicate deletions; vertical arrows indicate breakpoint-containing regions. The T84 configuration is not shown. All rearrangements within MTS1bcrβ suppress the possibility to express p16INK4a (encoded by exon 1α, exon 2, and exon 3) and p19ARF (encoded by exon 1β, exon 2, and exon 3). In rearrangements within MTS1bcrα, MTS1 exon 1β is deleted and p16INK4a encoding exons remain unchanged. Transcripts initiated from the promoter located 5′ to MTS1 exon 1α and the p16INK4a protein are expressed (data not shown). These data suggest that p19ARF and/or p15INK4b and not p16INK4a could be the functional target(s) of the rearrangements in these cases (Gordie et al, submitted for publication).