Erythrophagocytosis. Kupffer cell containing phagolysosomes is shown on a stained Epon section (A, original magnification ×10,500). Erythrophagocytosis is confirmed by an ultrathin frozen section which is labeled by a polyclonal rabbit antibody against human hemoglobin and immunogold particles showing that the electron dense bodies represent phagocytosed erythrocytes (B, original magnification ×41,000). Unstained Epon section reveals ferritin particles in the cytoplasm, a sidersome, and a lysosome of an adjacent hepatocyte which indicates iron overload (C, original mangification, ×58,000). H, hepatocyte; N, nucleus; G, Golgi complex; PE, phagocytosed erythrocyte; C, cytoplasm; G, glycogen particles; S, siderosome; Lys, lysosome. (Courtesy of K.-P. Zimmer, MD, Universitätskinderklinik, AlbertSchweitzer-Str. 33, D-48149 Münster, Germany.)