Increase of postdivision CAFC numbers during 6 days of culture in TPO, KL, and FL. Increased numbers of CAFC (CD34hi PKHhi and PKHlo) were determined by dividing the number at day 6 by the number placed in culture at day 0 (left-hand columns). On the right, columns show the fold increase in numbers of CAFC within the CD34hiPKHlo (postdivision) population, compared with the number within the CD34+Thy-1+Lin−population placed in culture at D0. There was a mean 3.2-fold increase (range 1- to 7.6-fold) in postdivision CAFC in TPO, KL, and FL cultures. Data shown for IL-3, IL-6, and LIF as well as TPO and KL are the means of two experiments. Data for TPO, KL, and FL are the means of six experiments (4 normal and 2 multi-organ donor BM). Error bars show the SEM and P values indicate the significance of the change in CAFC number from D0 to D6. (▤) IL-3, IL-6, and LIF; (▩) TPO and KL; (▪) TPO, KL, and FL.