Fig. 8.
Flow cytometric analysis of CD32 expression on human NK cells and its correlation with the allelic polymorphism of FcγRIIC. (A) PBLs isolated from donor 1 and donor 2 were analyzed by using PE-conjugated anti-CD56. Gated CD56+ cells (R7 box, panels a) representing NK-cell population, were then assessed for their levels of CD16 (3G8, panels b), or CD32 expression (IV.3, panels c; 41H16, panels d; KB61, panels e; and AT10 panels f). Percentages of positive CD16 and CD32 cells are shown for each histogram and are compared with the binding of mIgG isotype control. (B) SB analyses of FcγRIIc-specific RT/PCR amplifications using RS91-46 and ASO probes to detect the genotype of the two donors. The results are representative of three independent experiments.