Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Deletions within the rearranged IgVH gene of case 3. / Two deletions (indicated by dots and gray background) are detectable: a 19-bp deletion is found at the border between FR1 and CDR1 involving codons 26 through 31a of the corresponding V4-30.4 germline sequence, and an 8-bp deletion is detectable within FR3 (codons 72 through 75). Identities to the closest germline sequence V4-30.4 are indicated by dashes, and each mutation is shown by the appropriate nucleotide. Stop codons are marked by asterisks. The numbering refers to codons counted from the beginning of VH according to Chothia et al.58

Deletions within the rearranged IgVH gene of case 3.

Two deletions (indicated by dots and gray background) are detectable: a 19-bp deletion is found at the border between FR1 and CDR1 involving codons 26 through 31a of the corresponding V4-30.4 germline sequence, and an 8-bp deletion is detectable within FR3 (codons 72 through 75). Identities to the closest germline sequence V4-30.4 are indicated by dashes, and each mutation is shown by the appropriate nucleotide. Stop codons are marked by asterisks. The numbering refers to codons counted from the beginning of VH according to Chothia et al.58 

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