Jeko-1 cells show both miR-17-92 overexpression and homozygous deletion of BIM. (A) Northern blot analysis of miR-19 and miR-20a expression in 4 B-cell lymphoma cell lines: lane 1 represents Jeko-1; lane 2, SP49; lane 3, SUDHL4; and lane 4, Raji. Fold changes in miR-17 expression are shown below the gels and normalized to the level in SUDHL4 cells, which was assigned a value of 1.00. (B) Top panels: Southern blot analysis (SB) of the BIM locus carried out using genomic DNA, including BIM, from the indicated 4 cell lines. Bottom panels: Northern blot analysis (NB) of BIM from the 4 indicated cell lines. A cDNA fragment of β-actin was used a control.