Inactivation of Icmt inhibits cell proliferation induced by expression of an endogenous K-RASG12D allele in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. (A) Proliferation of immortalized Icmtfl/+KLSL and Icmtfl/flKLSL cells infected with Cre- and β-gal-adenoviruses. Cre-adenovirus-treatment of Icmtfl/+KLSL and Icmtfl/flKLSL fibroblasts produced IcmtΔ/+KG12D and IcmtΔ/ΔKG12D cells that expressed endogenous K-RASG12D and that had one or both Icmt alleles inactivated, respectively. Data are mean plus or minus SEM of one cell line assayed in triplicate. Similar results were obtained in 5 independent experiments. (B) Cells from a focus formation assay taken 12 days after plating (original magnification ×10; 0.22 NA objective). (C) Proliferation of primary Icmtfl/+KLSL and Icmtfl/flKLSL cells infected with β-gal- (2 left bars) and Cre-adenoviruses (2 right bars). A total of 104 cells were plated and counted after 23 days. Data are one cell line for Icmtfl/+KLSL and the mean of 2 cell lines for Icmtfl/flKLSL. (D) PCR amplification of genomic DNA from cells of a typical experiment in panel A showing the deletion of the Icmtfl allele and the stop cassette in the promoter of the Kras2LSL allele and the appearance of the IcmtΔ band and the activated Kras2G12D band in Cre-adenovirus-treated cells (lanes 2 and 4). (E) Western blots showing levels of K-RAS, total RAS, and ACTIN in total cellular extracts from cells in panel A. Similar results were obtained with a different pair of cell lines. For panels B, D, and E, the genotypes of cell lines i through iv are shown in panel A.