A combination of myeloablative therapy, HSCT, adoptive immunotherapy, and tumor vaccination was able to eliminate established mouse neuroblastoma. (A) Overall experimental design for these studies: tumors were established in A/J mice by subcutaneous injection of 105 AGN2A-Luc cells on day −8. On day −1, bioluminescent imaging was done to ensure that the mice had comparable tumor burden before treatment, and the mice were then treated with lethal TBI. On day 0, the mice received transplants of 107 syngeneic BM cells supplemented with 6 × 106 T cells. Adoptively transferred T cells were either derived from naive donor mice (Naive T) or derived from mice prevaccinated with the AGN2a-4P vaccine (Sen T). On days 2, 7, and 14 after HSCT, some mice were treated with the irradiated AGN2a-4P vaccine (Vac). For analysis, mice were grouped according to the therapy received as Naive T, Naive T + Vac, Sen T, Sen T + Vac. Tumor burdens were monitored by (B) bioluminescent imaging, depicted as total photon flux, and (C) caliper measurements. (D) Kaplan-Meier survival curves. The data represent the combined results of 3 independent experiments (10-15 mice per group). Survival of mice that received naive T cells without vaccine was significantly different from all other treatment groups at P < .001. (*P < .05.) The Sen T and Sen T + Vac survival curves were not significantly different (P = .09). Statistics were computed using the log-rank test.