CD62P exposure in WT and pFVIII/FVIIInull mice. Studies as in Figures 1 through 3 with an Alexa647-labeled anti-fibrin antibody, but instead of measuring platelet accumulation using an anti-CD41 Fab fragment, CD62P exposure was measured using an Alexa647-labeled anti-CD62P antibody. (A) Top row shows representative frames from specific points in Videos S1 and S2 of fibrin (yellow) and p-selectin (blue) accumulation with overlap between fibrin and CD62P exposure in white. The left 2 panels present the growth of a clot from a WT arteriole injury shown at an early (20 seconds) and a late (150 seconds) time point after injury. The right panel presents growth of a clot from a pFVIII/FVIIInull arteriole injury at a late (105 seconds) timepoint. The bottom row is a set of cartoons depicting the details of the frames in the top row. Here, the whole platelet plug is shown in gray and the accumulation of fibrin in yellow, with CD62P exposure in blue and overlap in white. The entire Video for the WT injury is available as Video S1 and for the pFVIII/FVIIInull injury, Video S2. (B) Average data analysis for CD62P exposure and fibrin accumulation in WT arterioles (left) and pFVIII/FVIIInull arterioles (right) were carried out as in Figures 1 through 3 except that an Alexa647-labeled anti-CD62P antibody was used. Fibrin is depicted as □ and CD62P as ♦.