Expression of the FVIII light chain protein in liver. Paraffin-embedded serial liver sections of WT, HA, and HAT (5 months of transplantation) mice were stained and examined under a microscope (magnification ×40). (A) Isotype control in WT mice. (B) FVIII-light chain (lc) staining in HA mice. (C) FVIII-light chain staining in WT mice. (D) FVIII-light chain staining in HAT mice. Sections were also stained with secondary antibody alone (data not shown). Representative photomicrographs show the expression of the FVIII light chain protein in WT and HAT mice (red arrows). The light chain antibody staining was specific as no reaction was observed with isotype control antibody. n = 4 for each group.