Time course of the mean serum asparaginase activity. Data points depicting the mean of the assayed values for samples collected from all patients at each time point are shown; error bars represent SD. The solid curve was generated by fitting the differential equation, dAs/dt = (I − CL × As)/V, to the mean serum asparaginase activity (As) versus time (t) data. The value of the drug input function (I) was defined as dose/infusion duration during drug administration and as 0 at all other times. CL (total body clearance) = Vm/(Km + As), where Vm and Km are the maximum metabolic capacity and Michaelis-Menten constant, respectively; V is the apparent volume of distribution. Estimated values of the iterated parameters were Vm = 124 IU/h per m2 and Km = 0.110 IU/mL, V = 2.79 L/m2.