Expression of Bmf and Bad in (pre-)malignant Eμ-myc and wt B lymphocytes. Wt and Eμ-myc FACS-sorted pre-B cells from the bone marrow and IgM+ B cells from the spleens of 4-week-old mice were analyzed for expression of (A) c-Myc, Bmf, or Bad. Representative blots from 2 independent cell sorts are shown. Membranes were reprobed by the use of anti-MAPK, anti-actin as a loading control. (B) Representative immunoblots assessing expression of Bmf and Bad in Eμ-myc–driven tumors. Membranes were reprobed by the use of anti-GAPDH antibody as a loading control. (C) Representative immunoblots assessing LOH in Eμ-myc–driven tumors derived from bmf+/− or bad+/− animals. Membranes were reprobed by the use of anti-actin antibody as a loading control.