Figure 6
Figure 6. Reduction in select 12/15-LOX–generated metabolites in Alox15 HSC. (A) Increased basal ROS in Alox15 HSC. B6 and Alox15 LSK were isolated by cell sorting and analyzed for ROS formation using the ROS sensitive indicator CM-H2DCFDA and flow cytometry. Shown are a summary of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of n = 5 and a representative flow cytometric analysis. Shaded histogram represents B6 and open histogram represents Alox15. (B) B6 and Alox15 LSK were stimulated with 10μM AA before measuring ROS. Shown are a summary of n = 4 as fold increase of mean fluorescence intensity compared with unstimulated cells and representative flow cytometric analyses. Shaded histogram represents unstimulated and open histogram represents stimulated. (C-D) Lipid product formation in B6 and Alox15 BM (C) and LSK (D) cells after stimulation with 10μM AA. N.D. indicates not detectable; *P < .05, **P < .01 compared with wild-type. All error bars represent the average (± SEM).

Reduction in select 12/15-LOX–generated metabolites in Alox15 HSC. (A) Increased basal ROS in Alox15 HSC. B6 and Alox15 LSK were isolated by cell sorting and analyzed for ROS formation using the ROS sensitive indicator CM-H2DCFDA and flow cytometry. Shown are a summary of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of n = 5 and a representative flow cytometric analysis. Shaded histogram represents B6 and open histogram represents Alox15. (B) B6 and Alox15 LSK were stimulated with 10μM AA before measuring ROS. Shown are a summary of n = 4 as fold increase of mean fluorescence intensity compared with unstimulated cells and representative flow cytometric analyses. Shaded histogram represents unstimulated and open histogram represents stimulated. (C-D) Lipid product formation in B6 and Alox15 BM (C) and LSK (D) cells after stimulation with 10μM AA. N.D. indicates not detectable; *P < .05, **P < .01 compared with wild-type. All error bars represent the average (± SEM).

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