Analysis of retinal astrocyte and vascular intercellular adhesion morphology in AMD3100-treated retinas. Whole-mount retinas were dissected from neonates treated with AMD3100 (40 mg/kg twice daily as in Figure 4) or vehicle control. Retinas were stained with anti-GFAP antibody (A) and fluorescently labeled isolectin and imaged as described in “Immunohistochemistry on retinal whole-mount preparations” using fluorescent Zeiss Axioplan 2 microscope with 40× objective (A) or Leica DMI6000CS confocal microscope with 40× objective (B). Although the vascular morphology is clearly aberrant, the underlying astrocytes have a normal morphology and vessels still appear to track over them. Arrowheads indicate tip cells (all panels). (B) Anti–ZO-1 immunostaining shows cytoplasmic localization in tip cells and recruitment to sites of intercellular contact in stalk cells. Scale bars represent 100 μm.