Consequences of high-dose IFN-α therapy. Cell cycling estimated through Ki-67 expression (A); cell survival estimated through Bcl-2 expression (B) and naive T-cell counts (D) in CD4+ (top panels) and CD8+ (bottom panels) from macaques 6 and 7 (diamonds and triangles, respectively) treated with weekly injections of PEG-IFN-α (135 μg/kg) for a total of 10 weeks. (C) Plasma IL-7 levels quantified in macaques 1, 2, 6, and 7 (circles, squares, diamonds, and triangles, respectively). (E) sjTREC concentration quantified in macaques 6 and 7 (diamonds and triangles, respectively). (F) Relationships between naive T-cell counts and sjTREC concentrations in macaques 6 and 7 (diamonds and triangles, respectively).