Figure 3
Figure 3. The flow cytometric signature of primate GVHD. (A) Longitudinal analysis of the white blood cell (WBC) count, absolute neutrophil count (ANC), and absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) in R.1-R.3. (B) Longitudinal analysis of the absolute CD8+ T-cell count, the absolute CD4+ T-cell count, the absolute CD20+ B-cell count, and the absolute CD16+ natural killer (NK) cell count in R.1-R.3. (C) Forward-scatter (FSC-A) versus side-scatter (SSC-A) flow cytometric analysis of the lymphocyte blast phenotype (red circle) in GVHD. Example from R.1 before transplantation (top) and on day 7 (bottom), during rapid T-cell expansion. (D) Down-regulation of CD127 in expanding CD8+ T cells during GVHD. Panels on the left show pseudocolor dot plots and histogram analysis of CD127 expression on CD8+ T cells analyzed both before transplantation (top) and on day 7 (bottom). Panels on the right show longitudinal analysis of CD127 expression on CD8+ T cells in R.1-R.3, compared with pretransplantation expression levels of CD127. (E) Representative flow cytometric analysis of R.2, showing the phenotypic shift away from naive T cells that occurred in both CD4+ and CD8+ compartments during GVHD; before transplantation (top), day 6 after transplantation (bottom). (Third column from the left, top, and bottom) Example of CD4+ T cells shifting to a CD28+/CD95+ predominant phenotype after transplantation (compare top with bottom rows). (Fourth column from the left) Example of CD8+ T cells shifting to a CD28−/CD95+ predominant phenotype after transplantation (compare top with bottom rows). (F) Longitudinal analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets during GVHD. R.1-R.3 all shift toward a predominant CD28−/CD95+ CD8+ phenotype (left) and a predominant CD28+/CD95+ CD4+ phenotype (right). (G) Representative CFSE (5,6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester) MLR analysis of the proliferation of CD28+ and CD28− CD8+ T cells. (Left) Representative flow cytometric analysis of CD3+/CD8+ T cells showing the CD28 and CD95 phenotypes. (Right) CFSE MLR analysis after a 5-day MLR culture. Minimal proliferation occurred in cultures incubated without any stimulators (“No stimulation”) or those incubated with autologous stimulator cells (“+ Auto-stimulation”). However, in those incubated with allogeneic PBMCs (“+ Allo-stimulation), proliferation occurred in both CD28+ and CD28− subpopulations. The results shown are representative of ≥ 5 separate MLR assays with the use of distinct donor:recipient pairs. (H) CFSE MLR analysis of flow cytometrically sorted CD28+ and CD28− populations. CD28+/CD95−, CD28+/CD95+, and CD28−/CD95+ CD8+ T cells were sorted with a FACSAria flow cytometer before CFSE MLR analysis either in the absence (left) or presence (right) of allogeneic stimulator cells. Shown are representative CFSE proliferation profiles from 1 of 3 replicate experiments. (I) Granzyme B expression is highly up-regulated during GVHD. Shown is a representative example of the mean fluorescence intensity of granzyme B in both CD28+/CD95+ and CD28−/CD95+ subpopulations for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; granzyme B fluorescence before transplantation (black), granzyme B fluorescence at the time of necropsy in the setting of severe clinical GVHD (red). (J) BCl-2 and Ki-67 show significant shifts in expression during GVHD. (Top) Representative analysis from R.2, before transplantation. (Bottom) Day 6 after transplantation. (Left) T-cell subpopulations are first identified with CD28 and CD95 staining. The CD28+/CD95+ and CD28−/CD95+ cells were then queried for their expression of BCl-2 and Ki-67 (right). (K) CD4+/FoxP3+ cells expanded during GVHD in rhesus macaques. (Red) Longitudinal analysis of CD4+/FoxP3+ T-cell homeostasis in the untreated animals R.2, R.3, as well as a third MHC-disparate transplant recipient (R.1 could not be evaluated because of a technical problem with FoxP3 staining on the day of death). (Black) Longitudinal analysis of CD4+/FoxP3+ T-cell homeostasis in the CoBS-treated animals, R.4, R.5, and R.7 (R.6 could not be evaluated because of technical problems with CD3/CD4 staining for this animal). (L) FoxP3+/CD4+ T cells (gated population, and blue traces on the histograms) showed up-regulation of CD25, down-regulation of CD127, and up-regulation of CD27 compared with FoxP3−/CD4+ T cells (red traces).

The flow cytometric signature of primate GVHD. (A) Longitudinal analysis of the white blood cell (WBC) count, absolute neutrophil count (ANC), and absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) in R.1-R.3. (B) Longitudinal analysis of the absolute CD8+ T-cell count, the absolute CD4+ T-cell count, the absolute CD20+ B-cell count, and the absolute CD16+ natural killer (NK) cell count in R.1-R.3. (C) Forward-scatter (FSC-A) versus side-scatter (SSC-A) flow cytometric analysis of the lymphocyte blast phenotype (red circle) in GVHD. Example from R.1 before transplantation (top) and on day 7 (bottom), during rapid T-cell expansion. (D) Down-regulation of CD127 in expanding CD8+ T cells during GVHD. Panels on the left show pseudocolor dot plots and histogram analysis of CD127 expression on CD8+ T cells analyzed both before transplantation (top) and on day 7 (bottom). Panels on the right show longitudinal analysis of CD127 expression on CD8+ T cells in R.1-R.3, compared with pretransplantation expression levels of CD127. (E) Representative flow cytometric analysis of R.2, showing the phenotypic shift away from naive T cells that occurred in both CD4+ and CD8+ compartments during GVHD; before transplantation (top), day 6 after transplantation (bottom). (Third column from the left, top, and bottom) Example of CD4+ T cells shifting to a CD28+/CD95+ predominant phenotype after transplantation (compare top with bottom rows). (Fourth column from the left) Example of CD8+ T cells shifting to a CD28/CD95+ predominant phenotype after transplantation (compare top with bottom rows). (F) Longitudinal analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets during GVHD. R.1-R.3 all shift toward a predominant CD28/CD95+ CD8+ phenotype (left) and a predominant CD28+/CD95+ CD4+ phenotype (right). (G) Representative CFSE (5,6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester) MLR analysis of the proliferation of CD28+ and CD28 CD8+ T cells. (Left) Representative flow cytometric analysis of CD3+/CD8+ T cells showing the CD28 and CD95 phenotypes. (Right) CFSE MLR analysis after a 5-day MLR culture. Minimal proliferation occurred in cultures incubated without any stimulators (“No stimulation”) or those incubated with autologous stimulator cells (“+ Auto-stimulation”). However, in those incubated with allogeneic PBMCs (“+ Allo-stimulation), proliferation occurred in both CD28+ and CD28 subpopulations. The results shown are representative of ≥ 5 separate MLR assays with the use of distinct donor:recipient pairs. (H) CFSE MLR analysis of flow cytometrically sorted CD28+ and CD28 populations. CD28+/CD95, CD28+/CD95+, and CD28/CD95+ CD8+ T cells were sorted with a FACSAria flow cytometer before CFSE MLR analysis either in the absence (left) or presence (right) of allogeneic stimulator cells. Shown are representative CFSE proliferation profiles from 1 of 3 replicate experiments. (I) Granzyme B expression is highly up-regulated during GVHD. Shown is a representative example of the mean fluorescence intensity of granzyme B in both CD28+/CD95+ and CD28/CD95+ subpopulations for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; granzyme B fluorescence before transplantation (black), granzyme B fluorescence at the time of necropsy in the setting of severe clinical GVHD (red). (J) BCl-2 and Ki-67 show significant shifts in expression during GVHD. (Top) Representative analysis from R.2, before transplantation. (Bottom) Day 6 after transplantation. (Left) T-cell subpopulations are first identified with CD28 and CD95 staining. The CD28+/CD95+ and CD28/CD95+ cells were then queried for their expression of BCl-2 and Ki-67 (right). (K) CD4+/FoxP3+ cells expanded during GVHD in rhesus macaques. (Red) Longitudinal analysis of CD4+/FoxP3+ T-cell homeostasis in the untreated animals R.2, R.3, as well as a third MHC-disparate transplant recipient (R.1 could not be evaluated because of a technical problem with FoxP3 staining on the day of death). (Black) Longitudinal analysis of CD4+/FoxP3+ T-cell homeostasis in the CoBS-treated animals, R.4, R.5, and R.7 (R.6 could not be evaluated because of technical problems with CD3/CD4 staining for this animal). (L) FoxP3+/CD4+ T cells (gated population, and blue traces on the histograms) showed up-regulation of CD25, down-regulation of CD127, and up-regulation of CD27 compared with FoxP3/CD4+ T cells (red traces).

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