TLR-stimulated CDPs preferentially home to LNs in expense of the BM in steady-state hosts. CDPs were FACS-isolated from the BM of CD45.1+ and CD45.2+ mice. CD45.1+ CDPs were stimulated for 2 hours in cultures containing Flt3L and CpG, whereas CD45.2+ CDPs were cultured in Flt3L alone. After culture, CDPs were washed, mixed in a one-to-one ratio, CFSE-labeled, and adoptively transferred intravenously into CD45.1xCD45.2 F1 steady-state hosts. After 30 hours, BM, spleen, and subcutaneous LNs were analyzed. The transferred mix of CD45.1+ CpG-stimulated CDPs and CD45.2+ CDPs from control cultures is shown in panel A. Cells gated on NK1.1− CD19− are shown for the different organs after 30 hours in vivo (B left column). To better distinguish CDP-derived cells from the host, cells were gated CFSE+, and the ratio of CD45.1+ CpG-stimulated and CD45.2+-nonstimulated cells was determined (B middle column). The CD11c and MHC II expression of CD45RA− cells is shown for each subset (B right column). The results of 1 representative experiment of 3 independent experiments of each recipient mouse are shown.