Tmprss6 deficiency modifies systemic iron homeostasis in 8-week-old Hfe−/− mice. (A-E) Analysis of serum and tissue iron parameters in 8-week-old female mice of all Hfe-Tmprss6 genotype combinations. Graphed are mean values obtained from analyses of TS (A) and nonheme iron concentrations of liver (B), pancreas (C), heart (D), and spleen (E). For each parameter shown, the number of mice per genotype analyzed was as follows, with exceptions shown in parentheses: 7 Hfe+/+Tmprss6+/+, 8 Hfe+/+Tmprss6+/−, 5 Hfe+/+Tmprss6−/−, 9 Hfe+/−Tmprss6+/+ (8 for TS), 9 Hfe+/−Tmprss6+/−, 8 Hfe+/−Tmprss6−/−, 8 Hfe−/−Tmprss6+/+, 8 Hfe−/−Tmprss6+/−, and 7 Hfe−/−Tmprss6−/− mice. Error bars represent SD. *P < .05 compared with Hfe+/+Tmprss6+/+; †P < .005 compared with Hfe+/+Tmprss6+/+; ‡P < .005 compared with Hfe+/−Tmprss6+/+; §P not significant compared with Hfe+/+Tmprss6−/−; ‖P < .05 compared with Hfe−/−Tmprss6+/+; ¶P < .005 compared with Hfe+/+Tmprss6+/−; #P < .005 compared with Hfe−/−Tmprss6+/+; and **P < .05 compared with Hfe+/−Tmprss6+/+ mice.