HCMV infection down-regulates PVR and Nectin-2 expression in moDCs: influence on the NK-cell mediated response at different after infection stages. (A) Mock moDCs (filled histograms) and TB40/E moDCs (bold line, open histograms) were surface labeled at 48 hours and 72 hours after infection by indirect immunofluorescence with Nectin-2 and PVR-specific mAbs. Staining with isotype control is included (thin line, open histograms). Results of a representative experiment (65% IE-1/IE-2+ cells) of 3 performed are shown. (B) Mock moDCs and TB40/E moDCs at 72 hours after infection were also costained with FITC-conjugated HLA class I specific mAbs. Results of a representative experiment (70% IE-1/IE2+ cells) of 3 performed are shown. (C-D) NK-cell degranulation against moDCs was measured by the CD107a mobilization assay in the presence of blocking mAbs as described in “NK-cell functional assays.” Assays were performed at 48 hours (C) and 72 hours (D) after DC exposure to the virus. Results of a representative experiment of 3 performed are shown for each condition.