Figure 3
Figure 3. Cause and time of deaths occurring in patients who did not receive transplantation within the first year of treatment (n=64). The majority of patients died with or from active HLH (). The causes of death in 4 patients who did not have active HLH at death (■) were: fatal bleeding following liver biopsy (n=1, 7th week); septicemia where HLH status at death is not known (n=1, 2nd week), and cause of death not stated (n=2, 1st and 38th weeks). One patient who died with or from active HLH is not represented in the graph, since the exact death date is missing.

Cause and time of deaths occurring in patients who did not receive transplantation within the first year of treatment (n=64). The majority of patients died with or from active HLH (). The causes of death in 4 patients who did not have active HLH at death (■) were: fatal bleeding following liver biopsy (n=1, 7th week); septicemia where HLH status at death is not known (n=1, 2nd week), and cause of death not stated (n=2, 1st and 38th weeks). One patient who died with or from active HLH is not represented in the graph, since the exact death date is missing.

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