Expression of BMP signaling elements in primary CML cells. (A) Representative scheme of the BMP signaling pathway that displays the main components of the signaling cascade including extracellular (soluble molecules), membrane, cytoplasm, and nuclear-located responding elements, as well as some BMP target genes. Gene expression (by qPCR) of BMP signaling elements in healthy donor (open bars; n = 18) and CP-CML samples (closed bars; n = 53) at diagnosis for (B) the total number of mononuclear cells or (C) CD34+ immuno-selected hematopoietic cells. Results are expressed as fold change vs the reference value obtained for each gene, using the same CD34− healthy donor sample. *P < .05, **P < .005, and ***P < .0001 indicate differences between the gene expression levels in CML donor samples compared with healthy donor samples.