GPR84 is upregulated in mouse MLL LSCs, and there is a positive correlation between GPR84 and β-catenin expression. (A) The heat map of the 10 GPCR genes, which passed a fold-change cutoff of 1.5. Expression of GPR84 in MLL LSCs compared with HSC-enriched KLS cells is marked with an red asterisk. (B) Real-time RT-PCR confirmed the microarray result with primers specific for GPR84 in KLS cells transduced with empty vector (EV) and KLSMLL LSCs isolated from mice with an established MLL-AF9 AML initiated from KLS cells. The results were normalized using GAPDH as a control. (C) Western blot analysis confirmed changes in the protein expression of GPR84 and β-catenin (total or inactive/phosphorylated β-catenin) in KLS cells expressing EV and KLSMLL LSCs.