DLE-HuM195 improves kinetic efficiency of NK cell-mediated ADCC, as uncovered by TIMING. (A) Frequency distribution of number of conjugations preceding target cell apoptosis events, nconjugates (bars represent 95% confidence interval limits; stars represent statistical significance after Fisher exact test). (B) Frequency of NK cell target cell conjugates that subsequently lead to target cell apoptosis, regardless of the number of conjugates. Kaplan Meier curves (jagged lines) of (C) time taken to establish conjugates, tSeek; (D) total contact duration before tumor cell apoptosis, tContact; (E) and time to induce target-apoptosis since first contact, tDeath, with each event being a single cytotoxic NK cell. Color coding of the P values is designed to reflect the groups being compared. (F) Effector motility, dWell, during the different phases of target conjugation: before, during, and after. Data are represented in the box and whiskers plot (minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, maximum) and mean ± SEM are shown (full circles and bars). The best fit data was obtained using curve fitting either 1-phase or 2-phase association/decay. The parameters obtained from the curve fit (smooth lines) are shown in supplemental Table 3. All data represented in this figure are derived from cytotoxic NK cells incubated at an E:T of 1:1. These data are derived from 1233 nanowells containing DLE-Targets, 1345 wt-Targets, and 692 K562 target cells. P values (eg, P11-P20) were calculated for each panel, as listed in supplemental Table 1.